How To Make Mathematics Fun And Engaging For Kids?

Math has long been stereotyped as a difficult subject for kids, sometimes even adults. This reputation of math has made children hesitant to explore this subject in depth. Since it is important to learn math for basic life skills as well as profession-focused complex skills in the future, it is essential to start them young. Children learn best when they are engaged in the right way and thus, math for kids should be tailored to their young minds. Let us explore some fun ways to teach math to kids.

Gamify it!

If kids are given the option to either study or play, which one do you think they will choose? Exactly. Math can be gamified for kids so that they can learn while playing. The bottom line is to engage the kid and keep the learning two-way. A game system also allows room for positive reinforcement, which will further foster the interest in math. One can get creative by devising the based on counting, tables, addition, division, and so on.

Make use of technology

Keeping children away from phone screens is a reasonable move for their health and well-being. However, if used wisely, technology can aid children in their learning. There are many math apps for kids available online, which can help them learn math through interesting audiovisual aids.

Use real-life examples

Apart from using math games for kids, one can tap into their creative imagination and sneakily add math to it. Since math will eventually help them deal with real-life situations, like calculating bills, expenses, etc., it can be considered to let them calculate their little expenses with small numbers. Do they know the price of their crayons plus the price of their water bottle? This will help them incorporate math into real life and take it out of the classroom so they don’t feel alienated from the subject.

Be patient

Even after trying all the cool and fun ways to teach math to kids, they can take time to fully grasp the concept. Not only with math but while teaching any new thing to children, it is important that you don’t rush the learning and wait patiently for them to come around.  You can modify the teaching tools to suit their comfort and build up further.


Who said math could not be fun? With the right approach, kids can learn math quickly and enjoy the learning process at the same time. Getting at the level of kids and seeing them learn math from their perspective can help modify math into fun math games or real-life situations and eliminate the challenges. Technology and audio-visual aids can also be a fun way to teach kids math since this method particularly attracts young kids. Making the learning interactive, fun and humorous can help children with math in the long run.